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Duke Street Walking Museum Tour


2025 Mar
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Adults (Resident)
Minimum: 0, Maximum: 30 Booking Price: USD 19.23
Children (Resident)
Minimum: 0, Maximum: 30 Booking Price: USD 14.42
Adults (Non Resident)
Minimum: 0, Maximum: 30 Booking Price: USD 29.81
Children (Non Resident)
Minimum: 0, Maximum: 30 Booking Price: USD 22.86


Nestled in the financial and legal quarter of the City’s oldest district, Duke Street is replete with history. This street, running north-south in the traditional grid layout, enjoys a vista of the Kingston Harbour at its southern end. The area has traditionally been a financial and legal district and up to this day, Jamaica’s finest attorneys have their offices on Duke Street.

Embark on an enchanting journey through time as you join our walking museum tour. Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of history and culture as our knowledgeable guides unveil the captivating stories behind each building. Wander through culturally rich street adorned with priceless artifacts and witness centuries of human achievement come to life.

Join us on this extraordinary journey of discovery and witness history come alive in a way you've never experienced before. Step into the past with us, and together, let's unveil the hidden treasures and untold stories that lie on Duke Street.


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